I really hope that someday you appreciate the beauty in this world
Such as a flower, tree, sunset, or a simple blue sky.
Value the beauty of nature
Not the material things we think we need to buy.
Be grateful for everything that you have
For your family, education, for every day that you have to live
For being grateful for what you have
You will learn what it is to give.
Enjoy the world today
Have fun with what you do.
Don't wait for tomorrow
Because the person who'll be cheated is you.
Respect everybody for who they are
You are no better than any other person.
If you think you are better than any other
Your future will someday worsen.
Always make an effort to be positive
Smile at every person you meet.
Being negative is more natural
That's why being positive is really quite a feat.
Always keep an open mind
Be willing to look and learn
Have the desire to be the greatest
Make learning something you yearn.
Take all that you have learned
And teach all that you can.
Try to help others become better
For there is no greater plan.
Be responsible for everything you do
An every decision that you make.
Have confidence in your thoughts
And the more risks you will take.
Always Love your family
And show them how much you care.
For your values, love and respect,
There is nothing more precious to share.
Matthew J. Luneau
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